Plato - Philosophy and Success
Plato (427-347 BC)
Greek philosopher (pictured right), who left Athens on the death of his teacher, Socrates, but returned to set up the Academy, the
world’s first university.
His star student was another great Greek philosopher, Aristotle (pictured right below).

His most famous book
The Republic, written around 360 BC.
His tips for success
1. Face reality and know what’s important
Face up to your weaknesses and problems, and do
something about them.
Plato’s “The Myth of the Cave” explains this:
In a dark cave some prisoners see only shadows, which they think
are real, because they have been chained there all their lives.
So they don’t believe a released prisoner who tells them that the shadows are not
Their failure to face reality stops them:
- discovering their real selves (including their weaknesses and problems).

2. An ideal world: the “Theory of Forms”
His Theory of Forms (or ideas) says:
- everything has an ideal form in another ideal world.
- only imperfect copies exist in our world.
This theory has had a big influence on Christian beliefs like:
- eternal life (living an ideal life after death)
The Form of the Good was particularly vital to Plato.
This says that eternal truths (like goodness, love and beauty) are the most important

3. Learn with a laugh
Learn continuously but never lose your sense of humour. You learn best when you:
“Philosophy begins in wonder”, he said.

4. Be good
To be good you must have four cardinal virtues:
- justice (doing the right thing and being fair),
- courage (physical and moral strength).
- temperance (self-discipline and moderation).
- wisdom (or prudence) - knowledge and skills.

A good person must also consider the three parts of his (or her) immortal soul:
- reason: intellect and insight that finds goodness and knowledge.
- spirit: will (or self-motivation), self-control and courage.
- desire: what you want, which should not stop you being good.
Plato said that reason is the most important and should control the other

5. Question everything
Like Socrates (pictured right), Plato
believed that you should continually question your assumptions, beliefs and conclusions
This leads to further questioning, because one conclusion leads to
another problem.
One question is always connected with another.
6. Philosopher dictators
Because thinkers and philosophers are the best people, they should lead the ignorant
masses by force and dictatorship.
Plato didn’t believe in democracy, because he believed the people weren’t able to rule

7. Speak wisely
Only speak, if you have something wise or useful to say.
“Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something”,
Plato said.
Key quotes on
No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
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Courage is knowing not to fear.
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For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.
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Man – a being in search of meaning.
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Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.
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Necessity...the mother of invention.
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The greatest wealth is to live content with little.
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The measure of a man is what he does with power.
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Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.
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Everywhere there is the one principle of justice which is the interest of the stronger.
Key quote on learning and
Philosophy begins in wonder.
Key quote on creativity
The true lover of knowledge naturally strives for truth and is not content with common opinion but soars with
undimmed and unwearied passion till he grasps the essential nature of things.