John Adams Leadership
John Adams (1735-1826)
Second American president (pictured right), described by his close friend,
Thomas Jefferson, as “the colossus of
They both died on the same day in 1826, July 4, Independence Day!
His beloved wife, Abigail (1744- 1818), was also extremely
bright, and a brilliant letter writer.
Their son, John Quincy Adams ,pictured right
below , also became president.

For more detail see...
The American Declaration of
Independence in the History Highlights section.
Why was he a great
1. Concern for people
“The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people”, he
famously observed.
Change needs people’s co-operation and their willingness to change
He cared deeply for people, reflected in his kindness, devotion to Abigail and
lifelong friendships, despite temporarily falling out with Jefferson.
2. Action with courage
Despite constant self-doubt, he courageously took difficult decisions,
particularly the hugely unpopular peace treaty with France in 1800.
“Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war”, he said.

3. Principle
Adams (pictured right c.1792) lived for the principles of the American
Revolution (liberty, equality and happiness for all) and hated hypocrisy.
He valued honour above everything, living according to his principles of
love, liberty, equality and justice for all.
Sometimes, though, his principles were not practical enough for good government,
particularly his failure to see people’s deceit and his ideal of national unity
This led to his disastrous decision to include people from different political
parties in his Cabinet.
4. Humility
He hated arrogant pride and became increasingly aware of his own ignorance and
ethical weaknesses.
His preferred epitaph on his gravestone didn’t describe his achievements but the
moral qualities of his ancestors that he always sought to emulate.

5. Thinking and learning
He was never dogmatic, always open to new ideas and an
independent thinker, continually seeking virtue and wisdom.
For example, he decided, like Jefferson (pictured right), to support a federal
government with power given to each state.
Adams also decided to build a navy of 50 ships in two years, which achieved
peace with France.
His thoughts were enriched by his passion for learning and scholarly reflection,
based on his great love of books.
He even read Plato
(pictured right below) in ancient Greek and Cicero in Latin!

6. Intelligence
He proved that an intellectual can also be a great president.
7. Simple problems, complex solutions
His objectives, like American independence, were clear and
But Adams realized that solutions to these problems were not straightforward,
strongly disagreeing with the idea that government was simple.
“The clock would be simple, if you destroyed all the wheels, but it would
not tell the time of day”, he said.
He discovered that policies and leadership are made difficult by:
- the weaknesses of human nature.
- life’s paradoxes like the need to be tough as well as
8. Purpose
He was a devout Christian, totally driven by his love of God and other
He was hugely helped in this purpose by:
- the intellectual and emotional support of his wife, Abigail
(pictured right).
- his great perseverance and
9. Pursuit of excellence
He aimed for distinction in both his public and private life, because it gave him
self-esteem and the respect of others.
He wanted Americans to have “ambition of that laudable kind, to
10. Passion
His passion for independence was inspired as a young lawyer, when James
Otis (pictured right) in a 1761 court case argued that Americans homes couldn’t be searched by
British customs officers without proper evidence.
“I have a zeal at my heart for my country and her friends” ,
Adams said .
11. Optimism
Despite continual problems and difficulties, he was always optimistic, totally
confident about America’s future and glad to be alive.
Key quote on war
“Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war”.
Key quotes on
Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.
It is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which
freedom can securely stand.
Key quotes on learning and
Let the human mind loose...Superstition and dogmatism cannot confine
Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in
working order.
Key quote on
If we do not lay ourselves in the service of mankind, whom should we
Key quote on
Grief drives men into habits of serious reflection, sharpens the understanding and
softens the heart”.
Key quote on
There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other
how to live.
Key quote on
Happiness... can never be found without virtue.
Key quotes (on
“As the happiness of the people is the sole end of government, so the consent of
the people is the only foundation of it”.
“In politics the middle way is none at all”.