Martin Seligman - Positive Psychology and Success
Martin Seligman (1942- )
American psychologist (pictured right).
Founder of positive psychology based on what makes you happy and successful (see point

Who influenced him?
Humanistic psychologists like:

His most famous books are…
Authentic Happiness (2003)
Flourish (2011)
These discuss the principles of positive psychology.
What did he say about positive psychology and success?

1. Positive psychology
This describes how to achieve happiness and well-being and has three pillars:
- positive emotions (like happiness, serenity, satisfaction and optimism) - see point
- positive traits (your virtues and abilities) - see point 3.
- positive institutions (like democratic government and strong families that support
the positive emotions and traits).
2. How to be happy
a) savouring and sharing
- the awareness and sharing of past and present pleasures.

b) relationships
Nurture your family and friendships, and do things for others.
c) use your strengths
(see point 3).
d) purpose
Do ,and believe, in something worthwhile, creative and absorbing.

e) self-support
- congratulate yourself on your achievements.
- keep a gratitude diary (daily writing down three things that went well and why).
f) peace of mind
This is achieved through:
- quiet reflection.

- spiritual meaning (e.g. from religion).
Seligman summarized these causes of peace and happiness in his PERMA theory:

Positive emotions
(happiness, serenity, satisfaction and optimism).
(involvement in a positive experience)

(being loved).
(doing something worthwhile for others).

(achieving something, however small, from determination, self-discipline and creativity).
Money doesn't contribute much to happiness!
3. Fully exploit your virtues and abilities
Seligman calls these your “signature strengths” and divides them into six categories:

a) wisdom and knowledge
- love of learning, curiosity and creativity.
- perspective from experience.
- emotional experience (getting on with others).

b) courage
- physical and moral courage.
c) humanity and love
- allowing yourself to be loved.

d) justice

e) temperance
f) transcendence (or spirituality)
- spiritual fulfilment.

- appreciation of beauty and excellence.
- forgiveness and gratitude (counting your blessings).
Key quote on
The aim of wealth should not be to blindly produce a higher GDP but to produce
more well-being.
Key quotes on happiness
Other people are the best antidote to the downs of life.
The aim of positive psychology is to catalyze a change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing
the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life.
Key quote on love
Optimism helps love