Management Gurus
Management Topics
Non-Business Leaders
Business Leaders
Scientists & Inventors
Writers, Artists & Designers
Company Case Studies
Best Business Books
Business Quotations
History Highlights
Management Gurus
Management Gurus - A - C
Management Gurus - A
John Adair
Scott Adams
Kenneth Andrews
Igor Ansoff
Michael Argyle
Chris Argyris
Management Gurus - B
Joseph Badaracco
Chester Barnard
Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal
Meredith Belbin
Warren Bennis
Kenneth Blanchard
Harry Braverman
Marcus Buckingham
James MacGregor Burns
Tom Burns
Management Gurus - C
Andrew Campbell
Jan Carlzon
Dale Carnegie
Alfred Chandler
Ram Charan
Clayton Christensen
Deepak Chopra
Jim Collins
Stephen Covey
Philip Crosby
Management Gurus - D - F
Management Gurus - D
Edward de Bono
Max De Pree
W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran
Peter Drucker
Emile Durkheim
Management Gurus - E
Amitai Etzioni
Management Gurus - F
Henri Fayol
Armand Feigenbaum
Allan Flanders
Mary Parker Follett
Alan Fox
Milton Friedman
Thomas Friedman
Management Gurus - G - I
Management Gurus - G
J. K. Galbraith
Howard Gardner
John W. Gardner
Malcolm Gladwell
Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones
Daniel Goleman
Francis Gouillart and James Kelly
Vijay Govindarajan
Lynda Gratton
Robert Greenleaf
Management Gurus - H
Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad
Michael Hammer and James Champy
Charles Handy
Frederick Herzberg
James Heskett
Geert Hofstede
Peter Honey and Alan Mumford
Management Gurus - I
Kaoru Ishikawa
Management Gurus - J - L
Management Gurus - J
Spencer Johnson
Management Gurus - K
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Robert Kaplan and David Norton
John Kay
Barbara Kellerman
Naomi Klein
Manfred Kets de Vries
W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
Philip Kotler
John Kotter
Management Gurus - L
Richard Layard
Theodore Levitt
Rensis Likert
Management Gurus - M - O
Management Gurus - M
Ken Matejka
Elton Mayo
Marshall McLuhan
Douglas McGregor
Henry Mintzberg
Management Gurus - N
John Naisbitt
Laura Nash
Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi
Kjell Nordstrom and Jonas Ridderstrale
Management Gurus - O
Kenichi Ohmae
Management Gurus - P - R
Management Gurus - P
Vance Packard
Richard Pascale
Laurence Peter
Tom Peters
Jeffrey Pfeffer
Michael Porter
Management Gurus - Q
Management Gurus - R
Frederick Reichheld
Reg Revans
Anthony Robbins
Management Gurus - S - U
Management Gurus - S
Edgar Schein
Richard Schonberger
E. F. Schumacher
Ricardo Semler
Peter Senge
Herbert Simon
Thomas Stewart
Management Gurus - T
F. W. Taylor
Noel Tichy
Alvin Toffler
Robert Townsend
Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner
Management Gurus - U
David Ulrich
Management Gurus - V - Z
Management Gurus - V
Management Gurus - W
Robert Waterman
Max Weber
Management Gurus - X
Management Gurus - Y
Management Gurus - Z
Theodore Zeldin
Management Topics
Management Topics - A - C
Management Topics - A
Advertising and sales promotion
Analysing accounts
Management Topics - B
Balanced Scorecard
Budgeting and cost control
Business ethics
How to write a business plan
Business success
Buyer behaviour
Management Topics - C
Capital investment appraisal
Career management
Cash flow management
Change management
Climate change
Communication - Public speaking, good writing and conversation skills
Competitive advantage
Core competencies
Corporate culture
Corporate social responsibility
Corporate strategy
Costing and break-even analysis
Management Topics - D - F
Management Topics - D
Decision making
Distribution, logistics and the supply chain
Management Topics - E
External environment
Management Topics - F
Financial accounting
Management Topics - G - I
Management Topics - G
Management Topics - H
Human resource management
Management Topics - I
Industry analysis and Porter's five forces
Influencing people, negotiating and emotional intelligence
Interviewing and selection
Management Topics - J - L
Management Topics - J
Management Topics - K
Knowledge management
Management Topics - L
Learning organization
Management Topics - M - O
Management Topics - M
Market research
Market segmentation
Marketing and customer satisfaction
Mergers and acquisitions
Management Topics - N
Non-profit organizations and social enterprises
Management Topics - O
Organizational objectives
Organizational structure
Management Topics - P - R
Management Topics - P
Personal selling
Product design
Product strategy
Project management
Management Topics - Q
Management Topics - R
Management Topics - S - U
Management Topics - S
Service-profit chain
Setting up a business
Stress management
Management Topics - T
Time management
Total quality management
Trade unions
Management Topics - U
Management Topics - V - Z
Management Topics - V
Management Topics - W
Management Topics - X
Management Topics - Y
Management Topics - Z
Non-Business Leaders
Non-Business Leaders - A - C
Non-Business Leaders - A
John Adams Leadership
Alexander the Great Leadership
Alfred the Great Leadership
Clement Attlee Leadership
Aung San Suu Kyi Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - B
Tony Blair Leadership
Mike Brearley Leadership
Gordon Brown Leadership
George W. Bush Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - C
Julius Caesar Leadership
David Cameron Leadership
Winston Churchill Leadership
Carl von Clausewitz Leadership
Crazy Horse Leadership
Oliver Cromwell Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - D - F
Non-Business Leaders - D
Dalai Lama Leadership
Benjamin Disraeli Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - E
Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership
Elizabeth I Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - F
Alex Ferguson Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - G - I
Non-Business Leaders - G
Bob Geldof Leadership
Genghis Khan Leadership
William Gladstone Leadership
Ulysses S. Grant Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - H
Adolf Hitler Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - I
Non-Business Leaders - J - L
Non-Business Leaders - J
Andrew Jackson Leadership
Thomas (“Stonewall”) Jackson Leadership
Thomas Jefferson Leadership
John Paul II Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - K
John F. Kennedy Leadership
Martin Luther King Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - L
Robert E. Lee Leadership
Lenin Leadership
Abraham Lincoln Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - M - O
Non-Business Leaders - M
Nelson Mandela Leadership
Mao Zedong Leadership
Bernard Montgomery Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - N
Napoleon Bonaparte Leadership
Horatio Nelson Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - O
Barack Obama Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - P - R
Non-Business Leaders - P
Pericles Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - Q
Non-Business Leaders - R
Alf Ramsey Leadership
Ronald Reagan Leadership
Franklin D. Roosevelt Leadership
Theodore Roosevelt Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - S - U
Non-Business Leaders - S
Saladin Leadership
Ernest Shackleton Leadership
William (Bill) Slim Leadership
Joseph Stalin Leadership
Sun Tzu Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - T
Margaret Thatcher Leadership
Harry S. Truman Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - U
Non-Business Leaders - V - Z
Non-Business Leaders - V
Michael Vaughan Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - W
George Washington Leadership
Non-Business Leaders - X
Non-Business Leaders - Y
Non-Business Leaders - Z
Business Leaders
Business Leaders - A - C
Business Leaders - A
Elizabeth Arden leadership
Laura Ashley Leadership and Creativity
Business Leaders - B
Jeff Bezos Leadership
Richard Branson Leadership
Sergey Brin and Larry Page Leadership
John Browne Leadership
Warren Buffett - Leadership, Success and Happiness
Business Leaders - C
George Cadbury Leadership
Andrew Carnegie Leadership
Coco Chanel Leadership, Creativity and Design
Business Leaders - D - F
Business Leaders - D
Michael Dell Leadership and Success
Walt Disney Leadership
Business Leaders - E
Business Leaders - F
Henry Ford Leadership
Business Leaders - G - I
Business Leaders - G
Bill Gates Leadership
Katharine Graham Leadership
Andrew Grove Leadership
Business Leaders - H
John Harvey-Jones Leadership
William Hewlett and David Packard Leadership
Soichiro Honda Leadership
Business Leaders - I
Business Leaders - J - L
Business Leaders - J
Steve Jobs Leadership
Business Leaders - K
Herb Kelleher Leadership
Business Leaders - L
Estée Lauder Leadership
Terry Leahy Leadership
Business Leaders - M - O
Business Leaders - M
Kanosuke Matsushita Leadership and Business Success
Akio Morita Leadership
Business Leaders - N
Business Leaders - O
Business Leaders - P - R
Business Leaders - P
J.C. Penney Leadership and Business Success
Business Leaders - Q
Business Leaders - R
Anita Roddick Leadership and Business Success
Business Leaders - S - U
Business Leaders - S
Alfred Sloan Leadership
Alan Sugar Leadership and Business Success
Business Leaders - T
Donald Trump Leadership
Business Leaders - U
Business Leaders - V - Z
Business Leaders - V
Business Leaders - W
Madam C.J. Walker Leadership
Sam Walton Leadership and Business Success
Tom Watson Sr.and Tom Watson Jr.Leadership
Josiah Wedgwood Leadership and Creativity
Jack Welch Leadership and Business Success
Meg Whitman Leadership
Business Leaders - X
Business Leaders - Y
Business Leaders - Z
Philosophers - A - C
Philosophers - A
St. Thomas Aquinas - Philosophy,Learning and Ethics
Aristotle- Philosophy, Ethics and Happiness
St. Augustine- Philosophy, Ethics and Learning
Marcus Aurelius- Philosophy and Happiness
Philosophers - B
Francis Bacon- Philosophy and Learning
St. Benedict- Philosophy and Ethics
George Berkeley- Philosophy Knowledge and Perception
Isaiah Berlin – Philosophy, Liberty and Ethics
Boethius- Philosophy and Happiness
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Philosophy and Ethics
Gautama Buddha- Philosophy and Ethics
Edmund Burke- Philosophy and Government
Philosophers - C
Cicero- Philosophy, Success and Leadership
Confucius - Philosophy and Ethics
Philosophers - D - F
Philosophers - D
René Descartes- Philosophy and Learning
John Dewey- Philosophy and Learning
Diogenes- Philosophy and Ethics
Philosophers - E
Ralph Waldo Emerson- Philosophy and Success
Epicurus- Philosophy and Happiness
Philosophers - F
St. Francis of Assisi- Philosophy, God and Ethics
Benjamin Franklin- Philosophy, Happiness and Success
Philosophers - G - I
Philosophers - G
Mahatma ( Mohandas) Gandhi- Philosophy and Leadership
Jose Ortega y Gasset- Philosophy and Success
Kahlil Gibran - Happiness and Success
Philosophers - H
Heraclitus- Philosophy and Change
Thomas Hobbes- Philosophy, Ethics and Government
David Hume- Philosophy, Ethics and Learning
Philosophers - I
Philosophers - J - L
Philosophers - J
Jesus- Philosophy, Ethics and Leadership
Philosophers - K
Immanuel Kant- Philosophy, Learning and Ethics
Soren Kierkegaard- Philosophy and Success
Thomas Kuhn- Philosophy, Learning and Change
Philosophers - L
Lao Tzu- Philosophy, Ethics and Success
Gottfried Leibniz- Philosophy, Learning and Ethics
John Locke Philosophy and Government
Philosophers - M - O
Philosophers - M
Niccolo Machiavelli and Leadership
Karl Marx - Philosophy, Work and Happiness
John Stuart Mill - Philosophy, Ethics and Happiness
Michel de Montaigne - Philosophy and Success
Thomas More - Philosophy and Ethics
Muhammad - Philosophy, Ethics and Leadership
Philosophers - N
Reinhold Niebuhr - Philosophy, Work and Change
Friedrich Nietzsche - Philosophy, Ethics and Success
Philosophers - O
Philosophers - P - R
Philosophers - P
Thomas (Tom) Paine - Philosophy and Government
Blaise Pascal - Philosophy, Ethics and Learning
C.S. Peirce - Philosophy and Learning
Plato - Philosophy and Success
Karl Popper - Philosophy and Learning
Pythagoras - Philosophy and Learning
Philosophers - Q
Philosophers - R
John Rawls - Philosophy and Justice
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Philosophy, Government and Success
Bertrand Russell - Philosophy, Ethics and Learning
Philosophers - S - U
Philosophers - S
Jean-Paul Sartre - Philosophy and Ethics
Arnold Schopenhauer - Philosophy and Happiness
Seneca - Philosophy, Happiness and Success
Peter Singer - Philosophy and Ethics
Adam Smith - Philosophy and Business
Socrates - Philosophy and Happiness
Benedict (or Baruch) Spinoza - Philosophy, Ethics and Happiness
Philosophers - T
Henry David Thoreau - Philosophy, Success and Happiness
Philosophers - U
Philosophers - V - Z
Philosophers - V
Voltaire - Philosophy, Success and Ethics
Philosophers - W
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophy and Language
Philosophers - X
Philosophers - Y
Philosophers - Z
Heroes - A - C
Heroes - A
Muhammad Ali and Success
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Suffragettes and Women
Heroes - B
Simone de Beauvoir - Feminism and Women
David Beckham - Money and Success
Heroes - C
Rachel Carson - Success and Environmentalism
Cleopatra - Success and Leadership
Captain James Cook - Success and Influence
Heroes - D - F
Heroes - D
Dilbert - Work and Management
Frederick Douglass - Success and Leadership
Heroes - E
Heroes - F
Anne Frank - Success and Wisdom
Betty Friedan - Feminism and Women
Heroes - G - I
Heroes - G
William Lloyd Garrison - Success and Leadership
Owain Glyndwr - Success and Leadership
Heroes - H
Patrick Henry - Success and Leadership
Heros - I
Heroes - J - L
Heros - J
Joan of Arc - Success and Leadership
Heros - K
Helen Keller - Success and Influence
John Maynard Keynes - Success and Wisdom
Heros - L
Eric Liddell - Success, Religion and Ethics
Heroes - M - O
Heros - M
Ellen MacArthur - Success and Influence
Madonna - Success and Creativity
Marilyn Monroe - Success and Influence
Heros - N
Florence Nightingale - Success and Influence
Heros - O
Jamie Oliver - Success and Business
Robert Owen - Success and Business
Heroes - P - R
Heros - P
Emmeline Pankhurst - Suffragettes and Leadership
Rosa Parks - Success and Influence
Elvis Presley - Success and Creativity
Heros - Q
Heros - R
Walter Reuther - Success, Work and Unions
Robert the Bruce - Success and Leadership
Jackie Robinson - Leadership, Success and Assertiveness
Eleanor Roosevelt - Success and Leadership
Heroes - S - U
Heros - S
Margaret Sanger - Feminism and Women
Cicely Saunders - Success and Leadership
Albert Schweitzer - Success and Ethics
Robert Scott - Success and Leadership
The Scottsboro Boys - Civil Rights and Influence
Homer Simpson - Success and Influence
Lucy Stone - Suffragettes and Leadership
Heros - T
Mother Teresa - Success, Religion and Ethics
Emmett Till- Civil Rights and Influence
Heros - U
Heroes - V - Z
Heros - V
Heros - W
William Wallace - Success and Leadership
Booker T. Washington - Success and Leadership
Oprah Winfrey - Success and Influence
Mary Wollstonecraft - Success and Women's Rights
Heros - X
Heros - Y
Muhammad Yunus - Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
Heros - Z
Psychologists - A - C
Psychologists - A
Alfred Adler - Psychology and Success
Psychologists - B
Albert Bandura - Psychology and Learning
Aaron Beck – Psychology, Stress and Happiness
Psychologists - C
Psychologists - D - F
Psychologists - D
Psychologists - E
Erik Erikson - Psychology and Childhood
Psychologists - F
Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis and Sex
Erich Fromm - Psychology, Love and Life
Psychologists - G - I
Psychologists - G
Psychologists - H
Psychologists - I
Psychologists - J - L
Psychologists - J
William James - Psychology, Ethics, and Success
Carl Jung - Psychology and Personality
Psychologists - K
Daniel Kahneman- Decision Making and Happiness
Psychologists - L
Kurt Lewin - Psychology, Leadership and Change
Psychologists - M - O
Psychologists - M
Abraham Maslow - Humanistic Psychology and Hierarchy of Needs
Psychologists - N
Psychologists - O
Psychologists - P - R
Psychologists - P
Ivan Pavlov - Psychology and Learning
Fritz Perls - Psychology and Gestalt Therapy
Jean Piaget - Psychology and Learning
Steven Pinker - Psychology and Learning
Psychologists - Q
Psychologists - R
Carl Rogers - Psychology, Psychotherapy and Happiness
Psychologists - S - U
Psychologists - S
M. Scott Peck - Psychology and Spiritual Growth
Martin Seligman - Positive Psychology and Success
Hans Selye - Psychology and Stress
B-F-Skinner - Psychology, Learning and Motivation
Psychologists - T
Psychologists - U
Psychologists - V - Z
Psychologists - V
Psychologists - W
Psychologists - X
Psychologists - Y
Psychologists - Z
Scientists & Inventors
Scientists and Inventors - A - C
Scientists and Inventors - A
Archimedes - Creativity and Science
Scientists and Inventors - B
Alexander Graham Bell - Creativity and Invention
Tim Berners-Lee - Creativity and the Internet
Isambard Kingdom Brunel - Creativity and Engineering
Scientists and Inventors - C
Francis Crick and James Watson - Creativity and Science
Marie Curie - Creativity and Science
Scientists and Inventors - D - F
Scientists and Inventors - D
Charles Darwin - Creativity and Science
Richard Dawkins - Creativity and Science
James Dyson - Creativity and Innovation
Scientists and Inventors - E
Thomas Edison - Creativity and Innovation
Albert Einstein - Creativity and Science
Scientists and Inventors - F
Michael Faraday - Creativity and Science
Scientists and Inventors - G - I
Scientists and Inventors - G
Galileo - Creativity and Science
Scientists and Inventors - H
Stephen Hawking - Creativity and Science
Hippocrates - Medicine and Health
Scientists and Inventors - I
Scientists and Inventors - J - L
Scientists and Inventors - J
Scientists and Inventors - K
Scientists and Inventors - L
Antoine Lavoisier - Creativity and Science
Scientists and Inventors - M - O
Scientists and Inventors - M
Scientists and Inventors - N
Isaac Newton - Creativity and Science
Scientists and Inventors - O
Scientists and Inventors - P - R
Scientists and Inventors - P
Louis Pasteur - Creativity and Science
Henri Poincaré - Change and Chaos
Scientists and Inventors - Q
Scientists and Inventors - R
Scientists and Inventors - S - U
Scientists and Inventors - S
Scientists and Inventors - T
Scientists and Inventors - U
Scientists and Inventors - V - Z
Scientists and Inventors - V
Scientists and Inventors - W
Orville and Wilbur Wright - Creativity and Innovation
Scientists and Inventors - X
Scientists and Inventors - Y
Scientists and Inventors - Z
Writers, Artists & Designers
Writers, Artists and Designers - A - C
Writers, Artists and Designers - A
Jane Austen - Creativity and Writing
Writers, Artists and Designers - B
Ludwig van Beethoven - Creativity and Music
The Brontë sisters - Creativity and Writing
Writers, Artists and Designers - C
Terence Conran - Creativity and Design
Writers, Artists and Designers - D - F
Writers, Artists and Designers - D
Charles Dickens - Creativity and Writing
Writers, Artists and Designers - E
Writers, Artists and Designers - F
Writers, Artists and Designers - G - I
Writers, Artists and Designers - G
Writers, Artists and Designers - H
Writers, Artists and Designers - I
Writers, Artists and Designers - J - L
Writers, Artists and Designers - J
Elton John - Creativity and Music
Writers, Artists and Designers - K
Writers, Artists and Designers - L
John Lennon and Paul McCartney - Creativity and Music
Leonardo da Vinci - Creativity and Art
Raymond Loewy - Creativity and Design
Writers, Artists and Designers - M - O
Writers, Artists and Designers - M
Michelangelo - Creativity and Art
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Creativity and Music
Writers, Artists and Designers - N
Writers, Artists and Designers - O
Writers, Artists and Designers - P - R
Writers, Artists and Designers - P
Nick Park - Creativity and Films
Pablo Picasso - Creativity and Art
Marcel Proust - Success and Happiness
Writers, Artists and Designers - Q
Writers, Artists and Designers - R
Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein - Creativity and Music
Richard Rogers - Creativity and Business Success
J.K.Rowling - Creativity and Writing
John Ruskin - Creativity and Art
Writers, Artists and Designers - S - U
Writers, Artists and Designers - S
William Shakespeare - Creativity and Writing
Steven Spielberg - Creativity and Films
Writers, Artists and Designers - T
Writers, Artists and Designers - U
Writers, Artists and Designers - V - Z
Writers, Artists and Designers - V
Vincent van Gogh - Creativity and Art
Writers, Artists and Designers - W
William Wordsworth - Creativity and Writing
Frank Lloyd Wright - Creativity and Architecture
Writers, Artists and Designers - X
Writers, Artists and Designers - Y
Writers, Artists and Designers - Z
Company Case Studies
Company Case Studies - A - C
Company Case Studies - A
Amazon.com - Employees, Unions and Customer Satisfaction
Apple - Innovation, Design and Customer Satisfaction
Company Case Studies - B
BBC - Quality, Creativity and Customer Satisfaction
BMW - Production, Quality and Innovation
Company Case Studies - C
The Co-operative Group - Business Ethics and Customer Satisfaction
Company Case Studies - D - F
Company Case Studies - D
Company Case Studies - E
Company Case Studies - F
Company Case Studies - G - I
Company Case Studies - G
Company Case Studies - H
Company Case Studies - I
Company Case Studies - J - L
Company Case Studies - J
Company Case Studies - K
Company Case Studies - L
Company Case Studies - M - O
Company Case Studies - M
Manchester United - Cash, Costs and Customer Satisfaction
McDonald’s - Globalization, Culture and Strategy
Company Case Studies - N
Company Case Studies - O
Company Case Studies - P - R
Company Case Studies - P
Company Case Studies - Q
Company Case Studies - R
Company Case Studies - S - U
Company Case Studies - S
Company Case Studies - T
Tesco - Business Success, Leadership and Motivation
Company Case Studies - U
Company Case Studies - V - Z
Company Case Studies - V
Company Case Studies - W
Company Case Studies - X
Company Case Studies - Y
Company Case Studies - Z
Books - A - C
Books - A
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Ethics and Racism
Aesop’s Fables - Success and Ethics
All Quiet on the Western Front - War and Leadership
Animal Farm - Leadership and Change
Anna Karenina - Ethics and Love
Atlas Shrugged - Corporate Social Responsibility
Books - B
Bleak House - Life, Work and Ethics
Brave New World - The Future of Life and Work
Books - C
Catch-22 - People and Management
The Catcher in the Rye - Happiness and Ethics
Crime and Punishment- Happiness and Ethics
The Crucible - Ethics, Leadership and Success
Books - D - F
Books - D
David Copperfield - Success and Ethics
Death of a Salesman - Success and Happiness
Books - E
Emma - Success and Ethics
Books - F
The Fountainhead and Success
Books - G - I
Books - G
The Grapes of Wrath - Corporate Social Responsibility
Great Expectations - Success, Happiness and Ethics
The Great Gatsby - Happiness and Success
Books - H
Hard Times - Business Ethics and Happiness
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone - Success and Ethics
Books - I
Books - J - L
Books - J
Jane Eyre - Women, Ethics and Success
Books - K
Books - L
The Last Tycoon - Leadership
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Ethics and Success
Lord of the Flies - Leadership
The Lord of the Rings - Success and Leadership
Books - M - O
Books - M
The Mayor of Casterbridge - Leadership and Ethics
Middlemarch - Happiness and Success
Moby-Dick - Leadership
Books - N
Nineteen Eighty-Four - Success and Leadership
Books - O
Of Mice and Men - Success and Happiness
Oliver Twist - Success and Ethics
Books - P - R
Books - P
The Pearl - Happiness and Success
The Pilgrim’s Progress - Religion and Ethics
Pride and Prejudice - Love and Success
Books - Q
Books - R
The Red Badge of Courage - Success and Ethics
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry - Success and Ethics
Books - S - U
Books - S
The Scarlet Letter - Happiness and Ethics
Sense and Sensibility - Success and Influence
Sons and Lovers - Family and Happiness
Sophie’s World - Philosophy and Happiness
Books - T
To Kill a Mockingbird - Racism and Ethics
Books - U
Ulysses - Success, Happiness and Ethics
Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Racism and Ethics
Books - V - Z
Books - V
Books - W
War and Peace - Leadership and Change
Wuthering Heights - Love and Success
Books - X
Books - Y
Books - Z
Shakespeare - A - C
Shakespeare - A
Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra - Success and Leadership
Shakespeare - B
Shakespeare - C
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar - Leadership and Change
Shakespeare's Corialanus - Leadership and Ethics
Shakespeare - D - F
Shakespeare - D
Shakespeare - E
Shakespeare - F
Shakespeare - G - I
Shakespeare - G
Shakespeare - H
Shakespeare's Hamlet - Success and Ethics
Shakespeare's Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 - Leadership and Change
Shakespeare's Henry V - Leadership and Ethics
Shakespeare's Henry VIII - Leadership and Ethics
Shakespeare - I
Shakespeare - J - L
Shakespeare - J
Shakespeare - K
Shakespeare's King Lear - Success and Ethics
Shakespeare - L
Shakespeare - M - O
Shakespeare - M
Shakespeare's Macbeth - Happiness and Success
Shakespeare's Measure for Measure - Leadership and Ethics
Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice - Success and Ethics
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Happiness and Ethics
Shakespeare - N
Shakespeare - O
Shakespeare's Othello - Leadership and Ethics
Shakespeare - P - R
Shakespeare - P
Shakespeare - Q
Shakespeare - R
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Love and Happiness
Shakespeare - S - U
Shakespeare - S
Shakespeare - T
Shakespeare's The Tempest - Managing Change
Shakespeare's Timon of Athens - Money and Ethics
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night - Happiness and Ethics
Shakespeare - U
Shakespeare - V - Z
Shakespeare - V
Shakespeare - W
Shakespeare - X
Shakespeare - Y
Shakespeare - Z
Poetry - A - C
Poetry - A
Poetry - B
Poetry - C
Poetry - Change
Poetry - Creativity and Innovation
Poetry - D - F
Poetry - D
Poetry - Death
Poetry - E
Poetry - Empowerment and motivation
Poetry - Ethics
Poetry - F
Poetry - Family and Friends
Poetry - G - I
Poetry - G
Poetry - God and Religion
Poetry - H
Poetry - Happiness
Poetry - The Holocaust and World War Two
Poetry - I
Poetry - Influencing people
Poetry - J - L
Poetry - J
Poetry - K
Poetry - L
Poetry - Leadership
Poetry - Learning and Wisdom
Poetry - Love
Poetry - M - O
Poetry - M
Poetry - N
Poetry - Nature and the Environment
Poetry - O
Poetry - Objectives and Purpose
Poetry - Old Age
Poetry - P - R
Poetry - P
Poetry - Positive Thinking and Assertiveness
Poetry - Q
Poetry - R
Poetry - S - U
Poetry - S
Poetry - Stress and Pain
Poetry - Success
Poetry - T
Poetry - Time Management
Poetry - U
Poetry - V - Z
Poetry - V
Poetry - W
Poetry - War
Poetry - Work and Workers
Poetry - Women and Men
Poetry - X
Poetry - Y
Poetry - Z
Art - A - C
Art - A
Art - B
Art - Business Success and Motivation
Art - C
Art - Change
Art - Creativity, Innovation and Science
Art - D - F
Art - D
Art - E
Art - Ethics
Art - F
Art - Family and friends
Art - G - I
Art - G
Art - God and religion
Art - H
Art - Happiness
Art - The Holocaust
Art - I
Art - J - L
Art - J
Art - K
Art - L
Art - Leadership
Art - Learning and Wisdom
Art - Love
Art - M - O
Art - M
Art - N
Art - Nature and the Environment
Art - O
Art - P - R
Art - P
Art - Q
Art - R
Art - S - U
Art - S
Art - Stress and Pain
Art - Success
Art - T
Art - U
Art - V - Z
Art - V
Art - W
Art - War
Art - Work and Wealth
Art - Workers and Unions
Art - X
Art - Y
Art - Z
Films - A - C
Films - A
All Quiet on the Western Front (film) - War and Ethics
All the President’s Men - Leadership and Ethics
Apocalypse Now - War and Ethics
Films - B
The Battle of Algiers - Strategy and Terrorism
Ben-Hur - Ethics and Leadership
Billy Elliot - Success, Unions and Ethics
The Birth of a Nation - Racism, Ethics and Leadership
Blade Runner - Business Ethics and the Environment
The Bridge on the River Kwai - Ethics and War
Brief Encounter - Love and Ethics
Films - C
Casablanca - Ethics and Success
Chariots of Fire - Success and Ethics
Citizen Kane - Leadership and Ethics
City Lights - Happiness and Success
Films - D - F
Films - D
Dr. Strangelove - Leadership and Ethics
Doctor Zhivago - Happiness and Ethics
Films - E
E.T. - Love and Ethics
Films - F
Films - G - I
Films - G
The Godfather - Leadership and Ethics
Gone with the Wind - Success and Ethics
The Graduate - Success and Ethics
The Grapes of Wrath - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Films - H
High Noon - Leadership and Ethics
How Green Was My Valley - Success, Ethics and Trade Unions
Films - I
It’s A Wonderful Life - Success and Ethics
Films - J - L
Films - J
Films - K
Films - L
Love Story - Love and Ethics
Films - M - O
Films - M
The Manchurian Candidate - Corporate Culture and Leadership
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - Success, Leadership and Ethics
Modern Times - Management, Mass Production and Motivation
Films - N
Films - O
On the Waterfront - Success, Ethics and Unions
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - Leadership and Change
Films - P - R
Films - P
Paths of Glory - Leadership and Ethics
Patton - Leadership and Communication
Pretty Woman - Business Ethics and Happiness
Films - Q
Films - R
Raging Bull - Success and Ethics
Rocky - Success and Ethics
Films - S - U
Films - S
Saving Private Ryan - Success, Leadership and Ethics
Schindler’s List - Ethics and the Holocaust
The Searchers - Love and Ethics
Serpico - Business Ethics and Whistle-blowing
Silkwood - Business Ethics and Whistle-blowing
Films - T
Thirteen Days - Leadership and Ethics
To Kill a Mockingbird (film) - Ethics and Racism
Twelve Angry Men - Ethics and Leadership
Films - U
Up in the Air - Success and Business Ethics
Films - V - Z
Films - V
Films - W
Wall Street - Success and Business Ethics
The Wizard of Oz - Success and Happiness
Films - X
Films - Y
Films - Z
Best Business Books
Best Business Books - A - C
Best Business Books - A
Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle (1996)
Chris Argyris and Donald Schön, Organizational Learning II (1996)
Best Business Books - B
Chester Barnard, The Functions of the Executive (1938)
Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal, The Individualized Corporation (1997)
Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, Leaders (1985)
Richard Nelson Bolles, What Colour Is Your Parachute? (1970)
Best Business Books - C
Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936)
Clayton Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma (1997)
Jim Collins, Good to Great (2001)
Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, Built to Last (1994)
Stephen Covey, Principle-Centred Leadership (1992)
Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989)
Best Business Books - D - F
Best Business Books - D
Edward de Bono, Lateral Thinking (1970)
Edward de Bono, Six Thinking Hats (1985)
W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis (1982)
Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (1973)
Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management (1954)
Best Business Books - E
Best Business Books - F
Mary Parker Follett, Dynamic Administration (1941)
Henry Ford, My Life and Work (1922)
Thomas Friedman, Lexus and the Olive Tree (1999)
Milton and Rose Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (1962)
Best Business Books - G - I
Best Business Books - G
Lou Gerstner, Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance (2002)
Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence (1996)
Lynda Gratton, Living Strategy (2000)
Best Business Books - H
Gary Hamel and CK Prahalad, Competing for the Future (1996)
Charles Handy, The Age of Unreason (1989)
Charles Handy, The Empty Raincoat (1994)
Charles Handy, The Gods of Management (1985)
Best Business Books - I
Best Business Books - J - L
Best Business Books - J
Best Business Books - K
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011)
Rosabeth Moss Kanter, The Change Masters (1984)
John Kay, Foundations of Corporate Success (1993)
W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy (2005)
Best Business Books - L
Theodore (Ted) Levitt, The Marketing Imagination (1983)
Best Business Books - M - O
Best Business Books - M
Douglas McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise (1960)
Best Business Books - N
Best Business Books - O
Kenichi Ohmae, The Borderless World (1990)
Best Business Books - P - R
Best Business Books - P
Richard Pascale, Managing on the Edge (1990)
Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, In Search of Excellence (1982)
Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage (1985)
Michael Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations (1990)
Best Business Books - Q
Best Business Books - R
Best Business Books - S - U
Best Business Books - S
Ernst Friedrich (Fritz) Schumacher, Small is Beautiful (1973)
Best Business Books - T
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Black Swan (2007)
Alvin Toffler, Future Shock (1970)
Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave (1980)
Best Business Books - U
Best Business Books - V - Z
Best Business Books - V
Best Business Books - W
Thomas Watson Jnr, A Business and Its Beliefs (1963)
Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut (2001)
Best Business Books - X
Best Business Books - Y
Best Business Books - Z
Business Quotations
Business Quotations - A - C
Business Quotations - A
Advertising Quotes
Age Quotes
America Quotes
Assertiveness Quotes
Business Quotations - B
Business Ethics Quotes
Business Success Quotes
Business Quotations - C
Careers and Ambition Quotes
Change and Change Management Quotes
Communication Quotes
Competitive Advantage Quotes
Core Competencies Quotes
Corporate Culture Quotes
Corporate Social Responsibility Quotes
Corporate Strategy Quotes
Creativity Quotes
Customers Quotes
Business Quotations - D - F
Business Quotations - D
Death and Bereavement Quotes
Decision Making Quotes
Design and Product Design Quotes
Business Quotations - E
Economics Quotes
Education and Training Quotes
Emotional Intelligence Quotes
Empowerment and Freedom Quotes
Ethics and Integrity Quotes
Business Quotations - F
Family and Children Quotes
Fear and Anxiety Quotes
Finance and Accounting Quotes
Business Quotations - G - I
Business Quotations - G
Globalization Quotes
God and Religion Quotes
Business Quotations - H
Happiness Quotes
Health Quotes
Human Resource Management Quotes
Business Quotations - I
Influencing People Quotes
Innovation Quotes
Internet and Computers Quotes
Interviewing and Selection Quotes
Business Quotations - J - L
Business Quotations - J
Business Quotations - K
Knowledge Management Quotes
Business Quotations - L
Law and Justice Quotes
Leadership Quotes
Learning and Wisdom Quotes
Learning Organization Quotes
Love Quotes
Business Quotations - M - O
Business Quotations - M
Management Quotes
Market Research and Buyer Behaviour Quotes
Marketing Quotes
Marriage Quotes
Money and Investment Quotes
Motivation Quotes
Business Quotations - N
Nature and Climate Change Quotes
Negotiating Quotes
Business Quotations - O
Objectives and Vision Quotes
Business Quotations - P - R
Business Quotations - P
Past, Present and Future Quotes
Peace of Mind Quotes
Politics and Government Quotes
Positive Thinking Quotes
Pricing Quotes
Product Quotes
Production Quotes
Public Speaking Quotes
Business Quotations - Q
Quality Quotes
Business Quotations - R
Reading and Writing Quotes
Relationships and Friendship Quotes
Business Quotations - S - U
Business Quotations - S
Science and Technology Quotes
Selling Quotes
Service Profit Chain Quotes
Sex Quotes
Society Quotes
Sport Quotes
Stress and Pain Quotes
Structure and Bureaucracy Quotes
Success Quotes
Business Quotations - T
Teams and Committees Quotes
Time Management Quotes
Business Quotations - U
Business Quotations - V - Z
Business Quotations - V
Business Quotations - W
War Quotes
Women and Men Quotes
Work and Leisure Quotes
Workers and Unions Quotes
Business Quotations - X
Business Quotations - Y
Business Quotations - Z
History Highlights
History Highlights - A - C
History Highlights - A
The American Declaration of Independence - Success and Happiness
Anne Frank, the Holocaust and Influencing People
The Assassination of Julius Caesar - Success, Leadership and Ethics
History Highlights - B
The Battle of Agincourt, Henry V and Leadership
The Battle of Britain - Leadership and Strategy
The Battle of Gettysburg - Leadership and Strategy
The Battle of Hastings - Leadership and Strategy
The Battle of the Overpass - Unions and Management
The Battle of the Somme - Leadership and Strategy
The Battle of Trafalgar - Nelson, Leadership and Strategy
The Battle of Waterloo - Leadership and Strategy
The British Miners’ Strike (1984-5) - Unions and Management
History Highlights - C
Chinese Invention of Printing - Creativity and Innovation
History Highlights - D - F
History Highlights - D
D-Day - Leadership and Strategy
History Highlights - E
Emily Davison’s Death at the English Derby - Suffragettes and Women's Rights
The Enlightenment - Learning, Happiness and Success
History Highlights - F
History Highlights - G - I
History Highlights - G
History Highlights - H
Henry VIII’s Divorce - Leadership and Ethics
History Highlights - I
The Industrial Revolution - Management and Unions
History Highlights - J - L
History Highlights - J
History Highlights - K
History Highlights - L
History Highlights - M - O
History Highlights - M
The March on Washington - Empowerment and Civil Rights
History Highlights - N
9/11 - Leadership and Strategy
History Highlights - O
History Highlights - P - R
History Highlights - P
History Highlights - Q
History Highlights - R
The Reformation - Religion and Ethics
The Renaissance - Learning and Creativity
History Highlights - S - U
History Highlights - S
The Salem Witch Trials - Learning and Ethics
The South Sea Bubble - Business Ethics
History Highlights - T
The Trial and Death of Socrates - Learning and Ethics
History Highlights - U
History Highlights - V - Z
History Highlights - V
History Highlights - W
The Wall Street Crash - Business Ethics
History Highlights - X
History Highlights - Y
History Highlights - Z
Management Gurus F
A discussion and analysis of key management gurus
Henri Fayol
Armand Feigenbaum
Allan Flanders
Mary Parker Follett
Alan Fox
Milton Friedman
Thomas Friedman
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Try not to become a man of success but try to become a man of value.
- Albert Einstein
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