Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence (1996)
American management expert famous for emotional intelligence (top picture right).
Goleman borrowed the term from its originators, the American psychology professors:
- Peter Salovey (middle picture)

- John Mayer (bottom picture)
See also...
Daniel Goleman in the Management
Gurus section. 
Book summary
Why is emotional intelligence (EQ) important?
EQ is more important to personal and professional success than IQ which accounts for
only 20% of personal effectiveness. The rest is heavily influenced by EQ
EQ can be learned and is not in conflict with IQ, so that bright people are no more emotionally handicapped than
anybody else.
EQ is so important that it must be taught at school.
What is emotional intelligence?
EQ is concerned with how you feel and relate to others.
So five key areas of EQ are:

1. Knowing your
- awareness of your feelings.
- self-knowledge (knowing your strengths and weaknesses).
2. Managing
- overcoming anxiety, depression and irritability.
3. Self-motivation
Achieving your aims through using emotions like:

4. Recognizing emotions in others
- empathy (understanding other people's point of view).
- altruism (self-sacrifice).
5. Handling relationships
Being able to:
- calm distressing emotions in others.
- be a good listener and question asker.
- understand people’s feelings.
Key quote on emotional intelligence
Academic intelligence offers virtually no preparation for the turmoil - or opportunity - life’s vicissitudes
Key quotes on health
Compassion is good medicine.
Childhood and adolescence are critical for setting down the essential emotional habits that will govern our
Key quote on education and training
Educate the whole student, bring together mind and heart in the classroom.
Key quote on love
Empathy...helps with romantic life
Key quote on ethics and integrity
The bedrock of character is self-discipline.