Francis Bacon - Philosophy and Learning
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
English philosopher (pictured right) and one of Elizabeth
I’s top ministers.
His most famous book
The Advancement of Learning (1605).
What did he say about learning?

1. “Knowledge is power”
Knowledge (meaning the practical knowledge to do things) gives you the power to;
- make the most of your ability.
- reach the right decisions.
So give everyone the opportunity to learn.
2. Innovate, experiment and observe
Knowledge comes from empiricism i.e. from experience and
a) always improve
Continually seek new and better ways of doing things.

b) question existing knowledge
Discard old, useless ideas.
“Begin with doubts, and you shall end with certainties, but begin with certainties and you will end with
doubts”, he said.
c) continuously experiment and observe
Bacon died from bronchitis caused by going out in the winter to stuff a chicken with snow to see if the
cold would preserve it.
3. Great learning has good purpose
To learn well you need to like yourself and so do something good and
worthwhile e.g. helping others.
Bacon distinguished between:
- religion (serving and obeying God).
4. Obstacles to learning
Four “idols” stop us learning:
a) idols of the tribe
Common to nearly everyone like:
- believing events that hide the real truth.
b) idols of the cave
Obstacles to learning peculiar to each person.
c) idols of the marketplace
(from misleading or meaningless language).
d) idols of the theatre
(from the wrong philosophy and beliefs).
5. Find the real causes of something
If one thing (X) happens after another (Y), this doesn’t necessarily mean that Y causes X.
You must always look for situations when X happens without Y. This may indicate another

6. Action
Learning is only useful, if it helps you to do useful things.
So a theory should apply to every possible situation.
Don’t look for problems and excuses to justify inaction, but actively and optimistically
seek solutions to problems.
7. Don’t just rely on one subject
Different subjects are related to each other, and using the wisdom from each
one will help you learn.
8. Learn from adversity
You will become a better person, if you have the courage and determination to learn from your problems.
Virtue is found best in adversity.

9. Listen to other people
Good advice and constructive discussion will increase your knowledge.
So listen more and talk less!
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Begin with doubts, and you shall end with certainties, but begin with certainties and you will end with