Richard Schonberger (1937- )
American quality expert (pictured right).
Key books
Japanese Management Techniques
Total quality management and
just-in-time are essential to an organization’s success.
Quality requires:
- a customer responsive, simple production system.
- a “habit of improvement” for the whole organization and individual employees .
World Class Manufacturing
World class manufacturing depends on:
1. Customer responsiveness
- knowing customers’ needs.
- quickly responding to them through quicker, more flexible production and faster delivery times.
2. Cellular manufacturing
Using multi-functional, self-managing teams.
3. Simplicity -
- easy, error free manufacturing.
- simple, cheap, movable equipment.
- better organization and layout.
- a reduction in part numbers.
4. Total quality management - including
- universal responsibility for quality.
- continual and rapid improvement.
- just-in-time supplies and customer delivery.
5. Continual cost reduction - including:
- total preventive maintenance (to reduce maintenance costs).
- gradual automation (but only as a last resort).
6. People policies
- employee involvement in decision making (particularly on the factory floor).
Key quote on
A world-class manufacturer is one that fulfils the customer’s demands for high quality, low cost, short lead
times, and flexibility.