Daniel Goleman (1946- )
American management expert famous for emotional intelligence (top picture right).
He borrowed the term from its originators, American psychology professors:
- Peter Salovey (middle picture below).
- John Mayer (bottom picture below), .
Key books
Emotional Intelligence
(see for more detail Emotional
Intelligence in the Business Books section)
“Emotional intelligence” (EQ) is more important to personal and professional success than
IQ which accounts for only 20 per cent of personal effectiveness.
The rest is heavily influenced by EQ that is concerned with how you feel and relate to others – in
1. Knowing your
Awareness of your feelings, self-knowledge and self-confidence.
2. Managing
- self-control and calming yourself
- overcoming anxiety, depression and irritability.
3. Self-motivation
Using emotions like passion, confidence, hope and optimism to achieve your goals.
4. Recognizing emotions in
Empathy, altruism and compassion.
5. Handling
- expressing your feelings.
- calming distressed people.
- being a good listener and question asker.
- understanding people’s feelings.
- resolving conflict (including negotiating compromise).
EQ can be learned and is not in conflict with IQ, so that bright people are no more emotionally
handicapped than anybody else.
EQ is so important that it must be taught at school.
Key quotes on emotional
Academic intelligence offers virtually no preparation for the turmoil - or opportunity - life’s vicissitudes
Childhood and adolescence are critical for setting down the essential emotional habits that will govern our
Key quote on
Compassion is good medicine.
Key quote on
Educate the whole student, bring together mind and heart in the classroom.
Key quote on business
To thrive, if not survive, corporations would do well to boost their collective emotional intelligence.
Working with Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the main cause of career success.
Key quote (Goleman’s definition of emotional intelligence)
The capacity for managing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing
emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships,
Primal Leadership
(2002), written with Richard Boyatzis (pictured
right) and Annie McGee (pictured right
“Primal leadership” is best in which leaders inspire and motivate people through their
emotional intelligence and positive thinking.
This is particularly true in times of change and uncertainty.
Key quote on
The fundamental task of leaders... is to prime good feeling in those they lead.
Social Intelligence
Social intelligence (being good with others) is vitally important, closely related to
emotional intelligence and based on selfless empathy and compassion.
If you’re good with other people, it encourages them to do the same.
Key quote on
Self-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone compassion.